Thursday, September 3, 2015

Your Medication might make you Depressed!

Medications have a variety of side effects. Some drugs can contribute to depression. According to the WebMD experts, The elderly are particularly susceptible to depression while taking medication that treats their conditions. 

Moods can change because of medicine or the illness itself. It’s best to talk to your primary healthcare provider if you suspect that your medication is causing your depression. Your doctor can suggest to discontinue the drug, lower the dosage, prescribe alternative therapy or provide additional medication that treats depression, depending on your condition.

Some of the drugs that may cause depression include Accutane for severe acne, anticonvulsants, alcohol based drugs, barbiturates & benzodiazepines to treat anxiety, interferon for sever infections and cancer, calcium-channel blockers for high blood pressure, interferon for cancer treatment, opioids for severe pain, and statins used to lower harmful cholesterol levels. According to a study published in BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology in September 2014, 110 different drugs were found to be associated with a risk of depression between 1998 and 2011.

The FDA requires that medications linked to depression display warnings. Ask you pharmacist about any possible risk of depression from your medication. If you develop feelings of sadness, hopelessness, sleep changes, or thoughts of suicide while you are on a certain medication, discuss the issue with your doctor.

Comment below for any specific questions and stay tuned for more information.

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